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Snowflake Town Council Approves Resolution Supporting Foundation RESOLUTION NO. 06-477 A RESOLUTION OF THE TOWN COUNCIL OF THE TOWN OF SNOWFLAKE DECLARING SUPPORT FOR THE SNOWFLAKE ACADEMY FOUNDATION WHEREAS, the Snowflake Town Council recognizes that the Snowflake Academy is a community historical treasure; and WHEREAS, the Snowflake Academy Foundation has formed and organized to raise funds for the renovation and preservation of the Snowflake Academy; and WHEREAS, Gordon Farr, Jr. has been duly elected and recognized as the President of the Snowflake Academy Foundation; and WHEREAS, the Snowflake Academy Foundation has pledged to raise a minimum of a 1 million dollars toward this effort; and WHEREAS, the Snowflake Town Council would like to encourage the philanthropy and involvement of the community in the restoration of this valuable resource; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Town Council of the Town of Snowflake, Navajo County, Arizona, does hereby direct staff to coordinate and collaborate with Gordon Farr, Jr. or his designated representatives in the renovation and preservation of the Snowflake Academy for use as the public library. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Snowflake Town Council this 14th day of March, 2006 The above resolution was signed by |
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